Well today marks the 6th day since I've been sitting in my bedroom and waddling about the house. I wanted to go back to work on Monday, but it still hurts tremendously to walk normal on my foot. I guess that's what i get for fail walking downstairs and breaking my foot. The main two reasons why i want to go back to work is because, all of my friends are leaving in less then 3 weeks for college and I'm going to miss them so much! I also feel bad for people having to take my shifts, that's over 45 hours of work =/.
   On the brighter side, today was tax free day around some stores, i happened to get some clothes and some whitening strips. I never realized how much cheaper things are without tax! Also our grocery store is doing a monopoly thing, just the way McDonalds does every once and a while. I have all of the pieces for every single one, BUT the hardest one to get,(obviously) i still can't believe we haven't won anything yet. I believe there's a few weeks left, hopefully we can win something good and useful - my family could really use it!

   I'm planning on posting a few reviews tomorrow on some products that I've been using for a while now to put my honest review in! I've noticed a lot of the newer people on youtube have been doing hauls with reviews but, how can you do a review if you just got the product in the mail/just bought it.


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